Laporan Pajak Pribadi bagi guru-guru PNS tahun 2018
Untuk Keperluan pendataan pajak2 pribadi, akhir2 ini dibebankan tugas bagi OPS untuk membuat LP2P terbaru tahun 2018, untuk memecahkan permasalahan itu maka saya ingin sharing pada sahabat semua file Laporan Pajak-Pajak Pribadi (LP2P).
Bagi yang belum memiliki data tersebut,silahkan download data file dibawah ini:
LP2P Tahun 2018
silahkan dicoba,mudah-mudahan bermafaat.
***Salam Sahabat***
Okay then...
BalasHapusThis may sound pretty creepy, maybe even kind of "out there"....
WHAT if you could just click "PLAY" to LISTEN to a short, "musical tone"...
And miraculously bring MORE MONEY into your LIFE???
What I'm talking about is BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!
Do you think it's too EASY??? Think it's IMPOSSIBLE?!?
Well, I'll be the one to tell you the news.
Sometimes the greatest blessings in life are the SIMPLEST!
Honestly, I will PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a REAL "magical wealth building tone" I've produced...
YOU just click "PLAY" and the money will start coming into your life... it starts right away...
CLICK here to PLAY this wonderful "Miracle Wealth Building Tone" as my gift to you!